I demand an explanation | Parox.cl

I demand an explanation .


A program of reports and documentary comedy that seeks to explain through the eyes of its protagonist, Eduardo Bertrán, the strange world that surrounds him, a bizarre Chile.


Executive Producer Parox: Sergio Gándara

Executive Producer TVN: José Antonio Edwards

Executive Producer EdoFilms: Eduardo Bertrán

Journalistic Edition: Werne Nuñez

Direction, Conduction: Eduardo Bertrán

Screenplays: Eduardo Bertrán, Nicolás San Martín, Werne Nuñez

Photography and Camera: Patricio Infante

Editing: Javier Estévez, Efrain Robles

Direct Sound: Carlos Arias

Broadcasting Channel: Televisión Nacional de Chile (TVN, Chile)

Duration: 16 chapters x 30 minutes